Bertolt Brecht love


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  • The trade union leaders, doubtlessly would prefer an easy life, the members aren't going to go away and to paraphrase Bertolt Brecht; they can hardly abolish the membership and elect another.

    Indymedia Ireland Seamus Loughlin 2010

  • The trade union leaders, doubtlessly would prefer an easy life, the members aren't going to go away and to paraphrase Bertolt Brecht; they can hardly abolish the membership and elect another.

    Indymedia Ireland Seamus Loughlin 2010

  • After the War, Benn was further attacked by figures such as Bertolt Brecht and Alfred Döblin for his involvement with the Nazi regime.

    Gottfried Benn greenintegerblog 2008

  • I'm wondering, in other words and to para [phrase Bertolt Brecht, whether the rise of everything you loathe about the current set-up in N.I. might have been a little less

    A Tangled Web 2010

  • The dazzling British prose stylist Kenneth Tynan went to bat for writers like John Osborne and Bertolt Brecht and, in doing so, helped steer the course of 20th-century drama.

    A challenging role for a complex thespian Celia Wren 2011

  • After many vicissitudes, the brothers Mann and their ill-assorted wives, Katia and Nelly, ended up in Los Angeles with Aldous Huxley and Bertolt Brecht.

    House of Exile by Evelyn Juers – review 2011

  • In keeping with the director's minimalist style, this production brings a stark, spooky aesthetic to the 1928 musical by Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht: The faces of most of the performers are entirely painted white, with exaggerated, mask-like features.

    The Short List 2011

  • She introduced Dylan to writers and poets especially Bertolt Brecht and Arthur Rimbaud that expanded his own lyrical horizons.

    Peter Dreier: The Political Bob Dylan Peter Dreier 2011

  • And it shows Weill, who wrote symphonic music in Europe as well as the abrasive scores with Bertolt Brecht, Threepenny Opera and Mahagonny, adapting to the musical idioms of his adopted country.

    Howard Kissel: Knickerbocker Holiday Howard Kissel 2011

  • And it shows Weill, who wrote symphonic music in Europe as well as the abrasive scores with Bertolt Brecht, Threepenny Opera and Mahagonny, adapting to the musical idioms of his adopted country.

    Howard Kissel: Knickerbocker Holiday Howard Kissel 2011


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